En'G Dancer

About Us

En'G Production supplies the best talents (dancers, models, usher, receptionist, humanoid, etc)  for Music Videos, Concerts, Tours, Live performances, Commercials, Television, Film, Trade / Fashion Shows, Corporate Events, Theatre and Print, etc. Our Talents are professionally trained and groomed to perfection. They specialise in all styles of dance including Traditional dance, Jazz, Street Dance, Belly Dance, Ballet, Hip Hop, Robotics Breakdance and all about Indonesian dance.

Contact our wonderful team here at En'G Prod on +6285868628878 or email us with your job description and we can suggest the right dancers for you. We can also send dancers to your casting / audition or arrange a casting for you at our studio in Yogyakarta, DIY (Central Java)

En'G Produksi menyediakan bakat terbaik (penari, model, antar, resepsionis, humanoid, dll) untuk YouTube Music, Konser, Tours, pertunjukan Live, Gathering, Iklan, Film Televisi, Dagang / Mode pertunjukkan, Acara Perusahaan, Teater dan Cetak, dll. Talenta kami terlatih secara profesional dan dipersiapkan dengan sempurna. Mereka adalah spesialis dalam semua gaya tarian termasuk tari tradisional, Jazz, Street Dance, Belly Dance, Ballet, Hip Hop, Robotika Breakdance dan menguasai semua tarian Indonesia.

Hubungi tim kami yang luar biasa di sini, di En'G Prod 085868628878 atau email kami dengan deskripsi pekerjaan Anda dan kami dapat menyarankan para penari tepat untuk Anda. Kita juga dapat mengirim penari untuk casting / audisi anda atau mengatur casting untuk Anda di studio kami di Yogyakarta, DIY (Jawa Tengah)